Obsessive Compulsive


Cranky old man! Retired!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


You want stimulation? Consider this - the Stimulus bill that was just passed is somewhere between 1000 and 1500 pages of type and not a single congressman had read the thing prior to voting on it. This was the largest financial package in the history of Congress and they passed it without reading it.

If that doesn't stimulate you to throw the bums out at the next election cycle - sooner if possible - then America is truly lost. I fear Amerika is truly lost.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More Change? Don't Count on It!

Washington DC is inculcated with a culture of deceit, privilege, arrogance, and and just plain cheating. The change we have seen is from an inept administration (and I was a Bush fan) to a corrupt administration. The difference is who is receiving the privilege, who is benefiting from the cheating.

Our 'His Arrogance in Chief' won and so it will be done HIS way. And his way evidently bears no resemblance to his outrageous campaign rhetoric of a clean administration. We have lobbyists in our executive offices (how are tricks Mr. Murtha?), we have a speaker of the house (Nancy Pelosi) who I believe is 'non-partisan' because she does not know the meaning of the word, and a Senate majority leader, a reed blowing in the wind who is a hopeless windbag of non-ideas.

We are living in interesting times. Hang on. Pray. I don't believe we have the power, gumption, where with all, to change it any longer.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Change we can count on

I do hope all you Democrats are enjoying the change. It's astounding - it's Democrats in the limelight (not that the Republicans are any better). Washington DC is incapable of governing this nation. Reprobates the lot. And now we can add ignorant arrogance to the mix.

Ms. Pelosi, a simple question - 'What is the population of the U.S.?'. Round numbers will do.

BTW - I've figured out why the Dems don't want tax cuts - why cut what they don't pay?

Sunday, February 01, 2009

New Cabinet

It's refreshing to see that Obama's new cabinet is full of the typical Washington DC thieves, liars, and reprobates (better known as Congress).

But not to worry - they will all be confirmed because those confirming them are just as bad if not worse.

At least it's a change and that's what America wanted.