Obsessive Compulsive


Cranky old man! Retired!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Afraid of another war?

The US has a former marine wasting away in a Mexican prison because of a lousy highway design and, evidently, the lack of a turn-around point on I-5 South before entering the lands of our good neighbor to the south. Complicating the issue is that this former marine evidently had three firearms in his vehicle at the time which resulted in his arrest and imprisonment by the Mexican authorities. Unwilling to allow him the courtesy of turning around and leaving these good neighbors decided to put him in a Mexican federal prison to await trial which is estimated to take as long as two years. Now this is bad enough, but now add the spinelessness of our current administration in not demanding this man's immediate return to the US unharmed and we welcome you to Obamaworld. Just another step in the outrageous, dishonesty of our current administration and its minions, Eric Holder and John Kerry, two of the most useless men ever to grace the earth with their presence. If the Mexican authorities were concerned about gun running they would have arrested Holder long ago (although I suspect he stays well North of the border). And if our administration is concerned about starting a shooting war with Mexico I would submit that it has already started and looks a lot like the war on drugs. And while I know few if anyone reads this irregular, often forgotten blog, I feel better for having typed this out.